First of all, location-user analyses should be done in this design as in every design. The location of pharmacy should be in places that users can easily reach after the hospital. You should study other pharmacy examples around and if you want to be 1 step ahead of these examples, you should think about how you should make a difference. After the necessary location data is collected, you need to search for your user profiles. If the difference that separates you from your competitors cannot be found in the location, it can be provided with user profiles and the types of services you offer to these profiles. Apart from just shopping for medicines, it is also possible to show yourself with other services selected according to user profiles. Of course, you will need to customize your pharmacy design for these services.
LED lights can be preferred in indoor lighting elements to offer both stylish and comfortable working areas. You can create an aesthetic, modern atmosphere while providing holistic illumination in the space with the light bands that continue along the medicine shelves or on the ceiling at the same time. Lighting can also make the space look cleaner. With the light color and positions of the lighting systems you choose, a “clean, hygienic” image can emerge by creating bright areas in the space. The point that you should pay attention to when choosing lighting elements is that they do not use light at levels that will cause eye discomfort for the user for a long period.
There are stereotypical colors selected in the field designs serving in the health sector. These colors are the preferred colors in the first place, giving successful results in the design developments that have lasted for years, taking into account the impact they have on humans.
What colors?
It is common to use light-tone colors and a small number of vivid colors in health sectors. For example, in a space dominated by white, colors such as blue, mustard yellow, orange, purple, and green can be used in areas that will create a focal point for the customer. These colors, which are more accurate to use on walls and ceilings, will create a visual trace in the area without tiring the user's eyes and will leave a mark in the user's memory and make a call to special focal points in the pharmacy when used in the right amount.
Details to pay attention to when choosing colors:
Tone groups that will not tire the user's eyes should be selected
When there are any dirt, dust, or particles on it, color shades should be chosen that will be visible immediately, thus making cleaning easier (especially on floors, stands, and countertops)
In the health sector structures, the image that the user wants to encounter when he first enters the structure is “cleanliness.” Health sector structures should always be hygienic and sterile environments due to the operations performed and the organisms studied, the subjects, etc.
How is this achieved in the design?
You can make choices that will create a hygienic environment in the tissues that you will use in your pharmacy design. In pharmacy designs, tissues with shiny surfaces, easy to clean, and dirt that will not accumulate on them should be preferred. The furniture where the products to be sold in the pharmacy will be stored is flat, and easy to clean; if you want to get an aesthetic image, preferably reflective textures are selected. In the areas where customers can sit and rest in the pharmacy, the cleaning element is also a priority. Let's imagine that there is an area where customers can sit while waiting for their turn. Ergonomic textures and shapes should be selected for the user in the furniture in this area.
For example, a chair with metal arms and legs. For the seat to be cleaned easily, tissues should be preferred where micro-organisms that may come from the air or the customer's clothing can cling and accumulate. For example, leather.
Soft and porous fabrics should not be preferred in seating groups for the reasons mentioned above.
Before starting furniture designs, attention should be paid to the size of the space, the minimum required circulation area, and the interconnection of the indoor functions with each other.
We can roughly divide the furniture that will be used in the pharmacy into 2 groups.
For medicines
For the user
In the class for medicines, there is furniture in which medicines are stored, and presented, which will be sold in the pharmacy. Shelves, cabinets where medicine groups are sorted; counter, safe, etc., where sales are.
Before the size and positioning of this furniture, the space analysis should be carried out in detail. Circulation areas should be left where pharmacy employees can take action during the day while performing their work without harming users or medicines. Systems should be solved in the shelves and cabinets where the medicines will be placed, if necessary according to the drug properties. Heating-cooling, etc.
The element of “safety” should not be forgotten in the positioning of furniture. This is one of the reasons why a large part of the medicines in the pharmacy are behind the counter to prevent customers from damaging or stealing medicines.
In furniture designed for the user, on the other hand;
Along with drug shopping in pharmacies, examinations with different characteristics can be performed at the same time. Having specialized furniture for these examinations, which usually do not require a check-up or a doctor's examination, will make things much easier. For example, during examinations such as measuring blood pressure or fever, seating groups and stretchers may be recommended that will allow the client to stand in a more isolated area from other people. If it is only for customers who come for medicine shopping, single-row seating groups may be recommended for people who are tired if the line gets too long.

Things To Pay Attention To
As with any design, there are specialized areas in pharmacies according to functions. As in every field serving in the health sector, hygiene and safety are important points in the design.
In pharmacy designs, where medicines can be safely stored for a long time, should be examined in detail such as hot-cold areas, product stands, hot sale counters, etc.
Let Us Help You
If you need professional help in your pharmacy design, we are by your side as Ankara Riva Interior Architecture. Together with our design team, we are turning the pharmacy of your dreams into a reality. From the designs you request to the determination of needs and turnkey application, our professional team as Ankara Riva Interior Architecture offers different, innovative and reflective solutions in your designs with the right applications. You can contact us to find out more information and join our happy customer portfolio.